Shed what is false. Embody what is real.
Hello and Welcome..
I am Tamara, Mentor and Homoeopath
Im really happy you are here,
I am passionate about guiding people back home to themselves, to embody more of who they truly are and to shed what is not.
The most powerful gift and service I can offer you is my own bespoke mentoring merged with the use of homoeopathic medicine - Alchemy is at the heart of everything I do, create and share with you.
I have been a Homoeopath for over 20yrs and I am still moved on a regular basis at what this beautiful medicine can do. I use it as a powerful and deep tool of Alchemy for purifying and shedding on every level of our being what is not truly us, assisting us to come into alignment with the purity of who we are and our own source connection.
I also use it as an incredible medicine to stimulate & support physical healing and emotional/mental healing using the Alchem{ess} Homoeopathic Support Essence Formulas I create.
It is my wish to empower and encourage others to embrace their innate ability to heal by using Homoeopathics in their everyday lives and the lives of their children and FurBabies!
I support you to know the truth, purity and fullness of who you truly are.
Shedding and releasing the identities, patterns, stories, and practised ways of being that you are n o t...
To then align with and embody more and more of the real you.
Pure Alchemy.
Alchem - Alchemy/Alchemist/Alchemical
The process of transmutation by which to fuse or reunite with the divine or original form; an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting; The transformation and clearing of the not self into the true and pure self; The transmutation of base metals into gold.
{ess} - Essence
The true and pure frequency of self; The feminine essence in all human beings; The pure frequency and essence of nature.
Alchem{ess} Offerings
1:1 Alchemical Sessions
A place for you to feel, know and experience what is truly you and understand what is not you. A beautiful sacred space for deep inner alchemy, transformation and self clarity + healing.
Homoeopathic Support Essences
Using natural plant + mineral based essences and a safe, effective system of medicine that is 100's of years old and aligned with natures principles.
Sacred Ally Collection
Sacred Allies created by me, for you, using pure essential oils and plant + flower + crystal essences to support of all that you are. Made in small batches in alignment with love and nature.