1:1 Personalised Alchemical Sessions
About The Session
Simply put, my job description is that I guide and encourage you back home to your self.
How that happens is very hard to put into words or to provide a detailed explanation...
If you feel moved to connect with me, you are meant to. Trust this inner pulse. Everything else will take place from there and your session will be what ever it needs to be for you.
We are all here to be and embody more of ourselves and how that looks and materialises is so different for each of us, so each session is different and builds on the last.
To try and give you an idea of our experience together... During a one on one session, I support you to move into a place of inner alignment, empowerment, self - healing, real and true self love and clarity.
Alchemy takes place within you, as you.
You will be honoured, acknowledged and heard while you express what ever is present and rising from within you in each moment. I will guide and mentor you back to your relationship with your s e l f, your connection to your own source and inner instructions.
We uncover any belief systems, the false/not self, identities, conditioning, patterns and programs to allow space for your own authentic self to be revealed + more fully embodied.
We come to a place of deep self understanding, clarity and inner freedom while feeling grounded and anchored within s e l f.
My love of supporting you back to feeling and knowing your connection with your own source, to empower and encourage you to materialise more of your own and true self make a one on one session deeply powerful, potent and transformative.
I look forward to connecting and working with you x
Supportive Alchemical Sessions
I have created these offerings to really help everyone gain access to the support I offer and be able to afford and fit into their lives a way to benefit from and receive my work.
Working with you in a 1:1 session is where the magic and the deep shifts, clarity and insights really happen. It really is an absolute honour and privilege to meet you as you are in those moments and support you into knowing and feeling more clarity, alignment and embodiment of the real and true you.
In todays world, Its ever more important to truly connect with and trust the people you are choosing to support you.
Thank you for choosing me.
For those times when you just need help, support with a situation, tough time, kids illness, help with which essence to give at home or just a quick reset and check in.
** This session is required for all questions, guidance and support regarding the use of the Alchem{ess} Support Essence Formulas at home.
The most intensive and relaxed session. If you are booking in to see me for the first time, this session is highly recommended to have the time to go in deep and cover all that is needing to be seen, acknowledged and spoken.
The session for those moving though some deep challenges, changes, shedding and needing a more intensive support.
A session for when an hour is just never quite enough!
The session most popular for ongoing support on a regular basis.
For supporting children deeply with all childhood illnesses, aliments and especially emotional and mental support.
As part of your session you will be prescribed 1 or more Homoeopathic formulas. All formulas are $35 each.
NOTE : Would you like to work with me but are having a tough time financially..? Please reach out.
I dont want you to not get the support you need because money is an issue. Please talk to me about payment plans to suit your needs. (Genuine enquiries only)
Kind Words from Clients…
“I was blessed to cross paths with Tamara during a traumatic time in my life 12 months ago. I was going through a marriage separation and felt I had lost part of myself.
I knew I needed help to bring my world back into focus and I was at a loss on how to do that. I knew the concept of homeopathic medicine and I felt that if I dealt with the physical self then the mental and emotional would work out In time. What I didn’t know was the powerful and intuitive way Tamara works. From my first consult I started healing.
The most important thing Tamara said in the first session was ‘you need to feel to heal’ and due to the caring and loving approach Tamara showed I was able to let go and trust in the process. I have to be honest, I was bought to my knees, I really did FEEL all the emotions I had bottled up, the root causes of my emotions came to the surface.
During this process I felt fully supported and prepared for what was to come, it wasn’t an easy process but I am so glad I went through it with Tamara. I truly believe that my healing could have dragged out over years and potentially lead to dis-ease as I have seen with many friends, choosing to work with Tamara was one of my best decisions as she was able to facilitate an intense healing journey in a loving and supported way.
I feel really emotional writing this, looking back at the person I was compared to now, and to be able to have done it in such a short time.
Thank you Tamara."
— Blessings, Cat x
“You are an amazing woman, who since the day I met you I found wise, uplifting and inspirational.”
— Talia
After my darling dad passed away and I suffered my third miscarriage within the year, I needed someone to help me understand how this could happen to me. I turned to Tamara as she was recommended by a girlfriend.
The homeopathic medicines and hours of inspiring conversations were a major contributor to my healing journey and the successful full term pregnancy’s that followed. Tamara is an Angel with a beautiful calming soul!"
— Rach R
She has supported me in developing into the strong, independent and confident woman I am today."
— Heidi
“You’re a powerful woman, and paradigm shifter. Thank you for your beautiful heart and all the incredible work you do in the world. I love you and honor you. Sending infinite love from my heart."
— Paulina Serafina. The Spirit Whisperer
“Seriously how do I explain to someone else what a caring, compassionate, understanding, loving, confident, non judgemental person you are. It takes someone very special to calm my nerves and enable me to feel safe enough to say everything i need to.
When i feel alone and that no-one understands me you are the one i can rely on to help me see things as they really are.
During my dark times you are always there to comfort and help me.
To me Tamara, a mentor has certain qualities. They can guide, inspire, be informative and insightful as well as the other things mentioned earlier. All these qualities you possess my friend.
As my spiritual mentor your understanding and insightfulness has allowed me to grow in ways I never thought possible. By guiding me with love and understanding, you inspire me to become the best person I can be and realise I am capable of anything."
— Eva
"I have been thinking about all that I have learnt from seeing you. There is more to say, but for now, very simply, I have learnt how it feels to "look up", and this happens when your soul is filled with hope. you have taught me to drop into my heart, feel the sensation of my heartbeat, close my eyes, breathe in......... then something magical happens.......
I have found that I can't help but look up, with a smile, because my body and all senses are flooded with happiness, joy, courage and empowerment, also known as hope...
— Renee xxoo
Tamara is a radiant being of light sent here to guide us back to our true selves. No matter the reason you go to her for, Tamara will listen, laugh, cry and encourage you along every step of the way with a patience unlike any other!
For myself she has brought me further into the being I truly am but for my son the changes in him have been truly life changing. My boy is a level 3 autistic sweetheart who before we asked for help was very much in his own world with very little eye contact or interaction. Now however he has come out of his shell so much it makes me cry from happiness to see. He not only now looks at you and interacts but will initiate affection on his own. He is now starting to reach out to random strangers as they go past instead of ignoring the world. And instead of silence we now so many noises!!! (With help from our lovely speech therapist).
For us being able to see his personality now compared to before is breathtaking.... We knew it was there deep down but Tamara helped us and him bring out to show the world!
And so now instead of calling her simply Tamara she is to us, now and for always our dearest Aunty T
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU
— Emma Walkley
“Tamara is a beautiful soul , who created a safe space for me to release a lifetime of pain, I felt seen and heard for the first time in my life.
I can’t thank her enough for her support, understanding and above all her guiding light.
I feel truly blessed to have met her.”
— Fiona Parish
“Thank you so much! Very much appreciate it - we really do. You have helped us reset our compass. And helped with the energy to do it. Couldn't have done it before. Im now using the skills you have given me which is pretty cool”
— Wendy H